The Benefits of Food Synergy

The Benefits of Food Synergy
According to Pooja Vig, a nutritionist at the Nutrition Clinic Singapore, the certain foods are interact with each other and to provide more nutritional benefits for the body. The concept called synergy of food. 
Food synergy is a new concept and is based on the latest research on how specific food components interact with other foods. This involves identifying how the nutrients work together to create greater health benefits for the body. In other words, this is not just about what you eat, but by what you eat so could give great benefits for health.
Food synergy is also observed how specific enzymes break down at a likelihood of food from other food components, such as helping to improve the absorption of food. Vig gives some examples of food synergy:
Green Kiwi and Meat
Kiwi fruit is well known have the ability to soften meat because of the enzymes naturally in kiwi fruit. According to the Riddet Institute research in New Zealand ensures that the enzyme, ie actinidin have abbility to extract proteins, making it easier to absorbed. If you eat meat, then eat a green kiwi fruit too, the protein in meat is more easily absorbed by the body.
Lemon and Spinach
Vitamin C in the lemon helps the body to abosrb iron in spinach more easy. Combine the lemon juice or other citrus fruit with spinach helps more iron could be absorbed by the body.
Oolong Tea and Fat Food
Oolong tea is a beverage that consumed together with fat foods in China for a long time ago. Studies on tea confirms this drink helps the absorption in variety ways. First, tea are alkaline in the digestive tract, will help people who have acid reflux problems. Second, oolong tea also stimulates metabolism and helps extract food faster. That why people assumed the tea has ability to weight loss. Third, oolong tea is particularly excellent in breaking down fat, making it easier to use by the body. In addition, tea has a mild antiseptic benefits, which can help kill harmful bacteria in the digestive tract.
"Good Fats" with Vegetables
Eat a little 'good fats' together with food helps the body absorb phytochemicals that are protective, such as lycopene from tomatoes and lutein from dark green vegetables. A recent study measured how the ability of phytochemicals are absorbed after a person eats a salad of lettuce, carrots and spinach with or without 2.5 teaspoons of avocado. The group that ate the avocado absorbed 8.3 times more alpha-carotene and 13.6 times more beta-carotene (both of  them help provide protection against cancer and heart disease), and 4.3 times more lutein (help to maintain eye health ) than the group who did not eat avocado.
Vinegar and Carbohydrates
A study at Arizona State University found that consuming two tablespoons of apple vinegar before lunch and dinner can help you lose weight on average half a pound per week without dieting. Acetic acid found in vinegar can helps to extract carbohydrates. This is an expected effect because if the sugar could extract quickly in the gastrointestinal tract, it can lower blood sugar levels. This not only has implications for diabetes (diabetics), but also causes high sugar (and the inevitable decline in sugar levels) that impact on body weight and energy levels.
Turmeric and Pepper
Yellow herbs are commonly used as a spice in curry or goulash contains a component called curcumin which is believed to have anticancer and anti-inflammatory power. One problem in using turmeric to improve the health of the body can not absorb well enough. The solution is to consume turmeric along with pepper and a little oil. By doing this, you can increase the absorption of curcumin of up to 1,000 times.
Tomatoes and Broccoli
A studyin University of Illinois, published in Cancer Research, showed that the combination shrink prostate cancer tumors in mice more effectively than when food is consumed in sperate. Research confirms that when tomatoes and broccoli are eaten together will give cumulative effect, because each food work on different anticancer pathways.

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