Consumption Energy Drink Wisely

Consumption Energy Drink WiselyEveryday we can see on TV the advertising of energy drinks product. Billboard and other advertising media also shown the same theme to "educate" people to consumption energy drink.  Walk into any convenience or grocery store, we will find various brands of energy drinks like Red Bull, Monster Energy, Adrenaline Rush, Full Throttle, and packed in small cans and bright. 
The fact, energy drinks have become increasingly popular in all around the world like celebrities or public figure who role as a user of energy drink product.
Instead of giving food energy (as measured in calories), a energy drink designed to enhance the user's mental alertness and physical performance with the addition of caffeine, vitamins (especially vitamin B), amino acids (eg taurine) and herbal supplements that can be reached to provide stimulus effect over and above that obtained from the caffeine alone.
Seem that everyone knows the drinks can increase energy levels, endurance and improve performance. Students use this product to attract overnight session, while the athletes using them to improve their performance and millions of people around the world consume them to receive extra energy needed to survive the day. But not everyone is aware that there is an effect on drinking - both positive and negative.
Energy drinks should not be confused with sports drinks such as Gatorade, which are consumed to help people stay hydrated during exercise. Sports drinks are specially formulated to contain the appropriate balance of glucose and electrolytes for easy absorption, thereby providing fuel to working muscles, as well as water and electrolytes to maintain optimal hydration.
There are still many unknowns in the relationship between the ingredients in energy drinks and athletics. Until the safety of this practice can be established, consumption of energy drinks prior to or during exercise by individuals of any age is not recommended.
Energy drinks are a powerful stimulant and can boost athletic performance, but they are not optimal for proper hydration, carbohydrate delivery, or the appropriate amount of caffeine for athletics performance. It is known that large amounts of sugar and caffeine are harmful to our bodies. However, there is very little known about the various other substances found in many energy drinks. Medical professionals simply do not know the long-term effects of consuming these beverages.That way energy drinks consumption should be limited to adults, used with caution and consumed in moderation (wise) only on certain occasions. Better still, opt for healthy drinks.

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