Balanced Diet Foods

Balanced Diet Foods
To stay healthy, we must adopt a balanced diet. But it is not always easy to know how to eat! A small selection of food should be occupied in the diet. Foods that can help you to stay healthy with a balanced diet as follows:
Cereals and Legumes
Cereals and legumes are rich in complex carbohydrates that can provide energy to the body over several hours, without causing insulin spike and thereby effect "pump stroke" as simple sugars, they must be high on the menu. In addition their fiber ensures an effect "appetite suppressant" natural.
They also contain good quality of plant proteins, without making any fat, or very little. And provide vitamins and minerals. Potato considered a starchy vegetable has the same profile as cereals and legumes.
Green Vegetables
With a low glycemic index, high in fiber, vitamins, trace elements and water, green vegetables can be eaten raw or cooked, and have the advantage of "wedge" for a low calorie intake. It is no coincidence that it is advisable to eat five a day to achieve a balanced diet. Green vegetables are also known as a food anti-radical with properties "anti-aging and anti-cancer".
Fresh green vegetables must be washed carefully, especially during pregnancy to avoid a risk of bacterial contamination. In this case, soak with a few vinegar then rinsed thoroughly.
Another requirement for a balanced diet is fresh fruits rich in vitamins, and fructose and complex sugars which could assimilated by the body. The fruit is preferable to 2-3 per day. As for nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts), they are rich in minerals and vitamin E. However, they are high in calories, and should be consumed frugally if you have overweight problem. 
Dairy Products
Rich in calcium, but also protein and carbohydrates, they are usually consumed skimmed or semi-skimmed milk to avoid consuming too much saturated fat. If overweight or obese, avoid eating too much cheese, naturally fat. Goat cheese or sheep would be preferred because it contains more alpha-linolenic acid (a substance that protects against cardiovascular disease) than cheese from cow's milk.
Meats, Fish and Eggs
Excellent source of protein, they are indispensable to the organization. Be careful to choose the good fat because they contain saturated fats (except fish that contain little), constitute a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The fish do not have this disability, on the contrary. Fatty fish (salmon, tuna, eel, and mackerel) contain omega-3 that protect against heart disease and "mood boosting". For a balanced diet, are strongly advised to raise consumption of fish.
It should be limited consumption of certain fats if you suffer from overweight. Can be eaten without damage a knob of butter a day (for its high vitamin A) and two tablespoons of vegetable oil rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (such as olive or canola), which lowers the bad cholesterol without affecting the good, and one tablespoon of vegetable oil rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (such as sunflower oil, corn, grape seed or soy), which contains essential fatty acids essential for the body can not synthesize.
To achieve a balanced diet: attention also to the "hidden fat" contained in the croissants, brioche or in cakes.
Simple Sugars
We consume without realizing it, because they are components of all kinds many prepared foods and soft drinks. They have the disadvantage of providing what nutritionists call empty calories, that is, with few vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients to the body. As for sweets, they can eat from time to time but not excessive, the risk of not being in the balanced diet! Everyone knows that there is no worse than to completely exclude a category of food!

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