Stay Healthy In Summer With Right Foods

Stay Healthy In Summer With Right Foods
Summer would be difficult to handle, but here are some tips to stay healthy even in summer. When the temperatures rise, it is possible that decreased appetite, it is not true, however, do not eat properly.
There are people who love to eat in each season, but the heat is make uncomfortable and then go through the headache, drowsiness or insomnia for poor digestion and abnormal fatigue.
How can we eat in the summer to feel good? The easiest thing is to follow the seasonal products of fruits and vegetables, of course, that the earth gives to us this summer, only those most suitable to be consumed to stay healthy.
There are for your reference :

Water is not food, but we never tired to drink at least 1 ½ liters per day even more, when the weather is hot and sweating a lot.
Pineapple fruit is also a 90% water, so refreshing. It has vitamins, calcium and potassium and low in calories. and also promotes diuresis, have beneficial effects on the skin, contain beta-carotene and the nature anti-inflammatory.
Watermelon fruit symbol of summer. Sweet red meat contains a lot of water and to help hydration. Putting in refrigerator for at least a half hour is better and more refreshing.
Banana is perfect as a snack and help to avoid the annoying cramps.
Carrots contain beta-carotene and also contain lots of vitamins. The vitamins will remain intact if we eat raw or slightly pale
Cucumbers is effective diet products, contain lots of water and has a refreshing and diuretic properties.
Marjoram contain lots of vitamin C, soothing, regulates digestion and bowel function. The content of the candy (mint-the nature refreshing) is very refreshing and contains tonic, antispasmodic, analgesic, and even mild antiseptic.
Barley foods
Barley foods are the basis of a hot plate in many countries because of low calorie, anti-inflammatory and rich in minerals and fiber that regulates the bowel. Whole barley stew is very effective against intestinal diseases.
It is not a coincidence that in hot countries like Africa or the Middle East are accustomed to eating spicy foods, which actually has properties increased perspiration, which has a function to reduce body temperature naturally. Also gives a nice spicy blast of endorphins which can make us forget the heat.
Salt is weird, but eating salty foods help to keep the water in body tissues. Of course, on the one side is advantageous because it promotes cellulite and is not suitable for those with high blood pressure, but if consumed consciously, it's good. For more specific tips, consult with your doctor.

Other foods that good to be consumed in summer is berries fruit. Berries is sweet and juicy. Contain high vitamin C, minerals, potassium and manganese, so they are natural supplements that are very good to improve the blood circulation.

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